Discuss using algorithm visualizations as teaching aids in the classroom, as well as teaching about algorithm visualizations.
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2011 AlgoViz Awards
671 by shaffer
2010-11-01 13:46 by shaffer
2010-12-21 13:34
question about field report
842 by clancy
2009-08-21 12:05 by clancy
2010-04-12 21:29
How did they make it??
1124 by affandy
2010-03-21 19:53 by affandy
2010-03-21 19:53
Awards process status
674 by shaffer
2009-06-19 11:29 by shaffer
2009-06-19 11:29
The AlgoViz.org AV Awards: Nomination and Voting Process
1020 by shaffer
2009-06-02 13:50 by shaffer
2009-06-02 15:35
AlgoViz Wiki Catalog Evaluation Rubric
1220 by shaffer
2009-06-02 14:09 by shaffer
2009-06-02 14:10
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