
AlgoViz Metadata
Submitted by Monika on 29 April 2011 – 12:02pm
Want to add AlgoViz to your collection? Getting metadata from AlgoViz has never been easier. We now have two OAI Data Provider (OAI-DP) feeds for the AlgoViz catalog.

OAI -DP following the Dublin Core metadata standard (metadata prefix = oai_dc)

This feed includes all the catalog entries (more than 500 of them).

The fields for each entry includes: identifier (AlgoViz url), subject (topic), title, description, format, rights, language, creator, publisher, relation (e.g., stand-alone, part of a project) and date. The field ‘description’ may appear 3-times for each entry: one containing the actual description data of that catalog entry, one containing the ‘Evaluation’ of the catalog entry if available (the data for this field starts with “Evaluation :”), and the last one contains part of the “Recommendation” field.